Turning Your Customers Into Your Advocates

Turning Your Customers Into Your Advocates

Once you’ve nurtured your lead diligently through the sales funnel and closed the sale, you may think the process is over but it does not have to be. The initial sale can be just the beginning. You can build a relationship with each customer by looking to stay in...
There is Value in Nurturing Your Mid-funnel Sales Prospects

There is Value in Nurturing Your Mid-funnel Sales Prospects

So you have connected with the prospect and you are at the point on the sales journey  where they’ve confirmed they have all the information they need, they don’t need anything more from you at this time.  And yet you haven’t made a sale. At this...
Four steps to deal positively with negative feedback

Four steps to deal positively with negative feedback

As discussed in our last blog, the messages customers create and share have now been described as user-generated content (UGC). UGC could be described as word-of-mouth, amplified. As with traditional word-of-mouth, what’s being said or created isn’t always positive,...
Engage with your customers to share their stories, it’s worth it

Engage with your customers to share their stories, it’s worth it

The messages curated and shared by a brand have, historically, been perceived as the brand story with its loci of control being within the organisation. Customer feedback has been taken in by an organisation and managed. However, with the addition of the digital space...