Purple Mookiting was named, in part, from Seth Godin’s idea of a Purple Cow. He defines it as

“a product or service that people decide is worth talking about… If they remark on it, then it’s remarkable. If they remark on it, the word spreads. If the conversation moves your mission forward, then others will engage with your idea and the process continues.”

This is the essence of why reviews, people remarking honestly about a product or service, are essential.

In a recent global Forbes survey, 90% of consumers confirmed they consulted an online platform for reviews before purchasing a service or product. When making a purchasing decision, we look to verify the promises the brand is making by consulting an unbiased source. A previous or current customer comment is ideal for this. In a small town, you may ask a friend or neighbour for the best place to go for coffee or where to buy something you need. As buying has become global and online, several platforms have developed to make this process as easy.

Social media are a great place to look for this verification as is Google. Facebook makes reviews and recommendations easy and swift. Additionally, owners of the brand page can’t just remove negative ones. They have to prove the claim unjust. This gives the prospective customer a sense of authenticity. 

When reviews echo the brand’s promises, it builds the trust between brand and customer, it makes the purchasing decision easier. Here is an example of the ideal scenario: you decide to go on holiday to the sea and are looking for a spot to unwind. Seeing an advert for a hotel offering just that, you pop onto their Facebook page. In the reviews, you see the majority are five stars with comments about the luxury and tranquility of the establishment. Booking the hotel becomes an easy decision, you are confident it’s the experience for which you are looking.

Reviews can also highlight why a product or service isn’t for you. Whilst many feel this may be a negative thing, ending up with a product that isn’t for you isn’t a good thing. If you have space for a miniature Toy Pom and end up with a German Shepherd, no matter how adorable, you’re going to be disappointed with your purchase. Books are wonderful examples of this, both Karren and I are voracious readers, and yet our reading preferences vary greatly. If a book review highlights the strong romantic theme running through a science fiction book it will likely (and wisely) put Karren off whilst it’s likely to get me to purchase it. 

Reviews flesh out the marketing picture. Our customers often say what they love about our product or service far better than we do because they empathise better with the buyer. Encouraging customers to share reviews, and then working through them, can help us to identify brand promises to be incorporated, and guide the wording we use to better resonate with the customer. This makes it easier for the customer to choose your product or service as it highlights why you are remarkable!

Reviews can be hard to get, not because your product or service isn’t great but because it requires effort, it’s time-consuming! So, encourage customers to review and, if you have a beloved product or have just had remarkable service, make the heart of the brand soar by popping onto their Facebook page, TripAdvisor or Google and leave a few kind words! They will be so grateful.

Next week, we’ll continue our series on reviewing by looking at storytelling!

Did you miss the first blog in the review series? Read it here: Why I Review Books