Despite pleas, letters and weeks going by Facebook just won’t budge! If you had asked us at the beginning of this rebranding journey which organisation would be the problem, SARS or Nedbank would have topped our list. To our surprise, those were a dream. Instagram flipped over no problem, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter went along too! Our emails have been cloaked so you can’t go wrong no matter which name you put after the @! But Facebook said “No!” too many times to count so we had no choice, we had to MOOve so you will now find us on Facebook here: Please moove on over with us and follow us there! If you prefer a different social media feed click your favourite find us:

InstagramPinterest | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

For your address book, you may like to add a new email: This magic address will email both Karren and Kelly – one time! Alternatively, you can email Kelly on or Karren on

We’d also love your feedback on our new website: